2022/2023 Capital Fundraising Campaign

Jack Millikin Centre 2022 Capital Fundraising Campaign
We had a great summer and it was so heartwarming to see the Jack Millikin Centre come alive with the festivals, music camps, art camps, EMMA art, wild crafters, weddings and retreats! This year is the first year we are truly operational, and we are excited about the programming and events we are going to be hosting in the next year!
Our Centre is warm and beautiful, but it is far from complete!
Please join us in our 2022 fundraising campaign for the Jack Millikin Centre! This year’s goal is $25,000.
This year's goals for the Centre include: finishing up the hardwood flooring to be placed on top of the horse-hair dance floor, the purchase of a sound system and (for when folks need a break from all that wonderful dancing) the purchase of much needed chairs.
We are working with Canadian Heritage on a grant to help pay 50% of the costs for these improvements - you can help us with the other 50%! Help us get ready to dance into 2023!
Special thanks to Desiree Martin Photography for this gorgeous photo of our Centre!