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Wild Sky Adventure Learning

Wild Sky Adventure Learning is a Saskatchewan-based non-profit organization run by parents, teachers, and nature lovers. We are dedicated to creating experiential learning opportunities on the land & under the sky for children and adults. We facilitate learning that is adventurous, guided by curiosity, and exploratory in nature.


Wild Sky Learning it focused on two primary projects at present. Our Forest Kids Summer Camp is a week long, family-involved camp that takes place in July & August at the Ness Creek Site in north-central Saskatchewan. We are really excited about the long-term prospect of using the JMC on a day-to-day basis through the Spring/Summer/Fall as the indoor programming space for our future Ness Creek based Forest School. This is a couple years away yet, but this will be the focus of our investment and consideration on the board.



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Contact us at:


Jack Millikin Centre

Ness Creek Site, Saskatchewan Canada

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